Hin Thin Lei grew up in Pyay, on the bank of the Irrawaddy River, a crucial trade center for the country and a green city surrounded by trees.
For university, she moved to Yangon to enroll in an architecture major since no such program were available in Pyay. Most of the universities in Yangon are in less crowded areas, far away from the hustle and bustle of downtown - the Technological University is one of them. Living in the rented apartment in the vicinity of her university, her surroundings reminds her of her native Pyay.
However, now in her final year, and she had to relocate to downtown to ahead of her first job.
"I come from a place full of trees. I'm always looking to create green spaces in crowded and suffocated areas", she said. Her goal is to turn Yangon into a green city.
She is one out of 13 young driven Yangon residents coming from different backgrounds to have created the collective Young City Shapers (YCS) last August volunteering on a project by social enterprise Doh Eain to revitalise the back alleys of Yangon.
Doh Eain is always keen to hear from companies, NGOs or individuals wanting to join, collaborate or contribute, either with funds, materials, skills and/or time.