Prettily drawn and painted, the charming little figures in that little stretch of alleyway off 27th street stands as a crowning achievement to what can be achieved when everyone- the locals, expats and the authorities work together to create as well as preserve something that could be lost in the blink of an eye.
“Doh Eain is a social enterprise aimed at heritage conservation and urban renewal”, said the founder of Doh Eain, Ms Emilie Röell. “We started informally, helping friends in November 2015 and have been picking up pace ever since”
The tall Dutch woman has been living in Myanmar for over 4 years to date now, and had founded Doh Eain in response to Myanmar’s rapid development and the fear of losing Yangon’s historical treasures in the modernizing process. And as I asked her on whether Doh Eain’s work entailed making money for profit, wherein Emilie replied that Doh Eain had two sides, “separate yet complimenting each other”.
Doh Eain is always keen to hear from companies, NGOs or individuals wanting to join, collaborate or contribute, either with funds, materials, skills and/or time.